Trade Stand Booking
By booking a Trade Stand at the Tadley Treacle Fair, you certify that you will not be engaging in any form of catering activity,
including the supply of Tea, Coffee and the like, Sweet, Confectionery, Ice Cream vendors and the like. IF IN DOUBT, PLEASE ENQUIRE BEFORE BOOKING. If found to be in breach of this condition, you will be Closed down and escorted from the event. No refund will be given in such circumstances.
To book a Trade Stand, click or tap the 'down arrow' in the box below under the text 'Select 1 option from below'.
Select the option you require from the drop down menu and either Click or Tap it.
Click or Tap the 'Buy Now' button below.
You will be transferred to PayPal's payment website.
Either 'Login to your PayPal Account' or Click/Tap the 'Pay by Credit or Debit Card' button, as appropriate.
Follow instructions on the Paypal Website. At the end of the payment process, a receipt will be issued and displayed on screen.
It is important that at the end of the booking process, that you scroll to the bottom of the screen and click or tap the 'Return to Seller' button at the bottom of the receipt which will be displayed on your screen and then complete the booking process.
If you forget to do this, the form can be accessed by Clicking Here |
It is not necessary to have a PayPal Account to use this process.