Another Excellent Golf Day
Loddon Valley Lions held their Annual Golf Day on Monday 3 September at Bishopswood Golf Course in

Tadley. Our 2012 event was blessed with excellent weather, although a heavy dew made some conditions quite tricky for some of the early participants. As usual, there was a ‘Sin Bin' at the fifth hole, where those whose tee shot failed to end up on the green were fined, thus raising extra cash for the recipient of the day's event. There was also a ‘Nearest the Pin' competition at this hole, which was won by Dave Petrie (a member of Loddon Valley Lions Club). There was a longest Drive competition at the seventh, which was won by R Donaldson and a separate putting competition (shown in our picture above), won by D Heath and C Smith, a Tombola and raffle for a round of golf at the West Berks Golf Course. All of this. Together with the main competition and sponsorship enabled Loddon Valley Lions to donate £1,500 to St Michael's Hospice in Basingstoke. We sincerely thank the management and staff of Bishopswood Golf Course for allowing us the use of the course and our main sponsors, County Hire, Spratleys of Mortimer, Nash Contract Services and D&I Cars, as well as the many other local organisations who donated Tombola prizes for their generosity. The overall winners of the competition were J & J Daly. Yet another example of Ordinary People achieving Amazing Things.
Support to Marathon Runner
One of the wives of the Loddon Valley members has entered the London Marathon to raise money for Winston's Wish (Click Here for More Information), the UK's leading Child Bereavement Charity. The Marathon was undertaken as a way of thanking the Charity for the way in which they supported her two neices, following the untimely death of their father, her brother. In an attempt to raise further funds for the Charity, Tracey organised a Coffee Morning/Afternoon which was held on the 16th March 2012. The event itself raised £208, but Lion President Barry Germain presented a cheque to Tracey from Loddon Valley Lions for £100 in sponsorship of the Marathon run, bringing the total to £308. We congratulate Tracey and wish her every success with the Marathon.
Lions Service Rewarded
When Loddon Valley Lions Club celebrated the 36th anniversary of them being Chartered as a member of Lions Clubs International, on 21st January, a number of their members were rewarded for distinguished service to the Club and to our International Organisation. Ken Williamson received his award for thirty years of service to the club and our President, Barry Germain received an award for 20 years of service. Barry's distinguished service, together with his work on behalf of the Loddon Valley Day Care Centre and Tadley Citizens Advice Bureau over many years, was further rewarded by the award of a Melvin J
ones Fellowship, the highest award that a Lions Club can bestow on one of its members. Our Treasurer, Geoff Foan was also awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship for his valued contribution to Loddon Valley Lions for over 20 years. Guests at the celebratory Dinner Dance included (see right and from the left): Sue Germain and our President Barry, Jenny Foan and Geoff, the Duputy Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane, Councillor Martin Biermann, District Governor Ron Twining and Ann, Vice President of Loddon Valley Lions, Richard High and the Deputy Mayoress of Basingstoke and Deane, Chansopha Biermann .
Awards to Burnham Copse Poets
Our Lions District of Central Southern England, the Isle of Wight and Channel Islands decided to organise a Poetry Competition to provide a means by which the 66 clubs of the District could forge links with their local schools. Loddon Valley Lions decided to embrace this competition by going into partnership with Burnham Copse Primary School in Tadley and the school produced twelve entries to the competition. The District organiser asked us to whittle that down to six, three for each of the two age groups. When the competition was judged, entries from Burnham Copse gained first and third places in the 7-10 Age Group Competition and second place in the 11-16 Age Group Competition. Our congratulations to the successful poets and our sincere thanks to the Headteacher and staff at Burnham Copse Primary School for allowing us to promote this competition through the school. For more information about Burnham Copse Primary School, Please Click Here. To see the winning entries, click on the relevant names.
7-10 Age Group: 1st Lauren Graham, 3rd Callum Brook
11-16 Age group: 2nd Jack Haines
Helping Thrive to Help Others
On 2nd December 2011, Loddon Valley Lions presented a cheque for £4,200 to Thrive to enable them to develop a 'Journey Garden'. This will be designed to provide therapy for people recovering from mental illness and depression, and measure the progress of their recovery. It is claimed that exercise can increase the release of brain chemicals which can affect our mood and make us feel happier; help us over come feeling isolated; improve communication; give us a sense of purpose and boost self-esteem as well as improve concentration. The garden will be at Thrive's Trunkwell Gardens location at Beech Hill, near Reading. Our picture shows (from the left) Treasurer Geoff Foan with Loddon Valley Lions President Barry Germain and (right) Immediate Past President John Goodchild presenting the cheque to Sue Tabor from Thrive (second from right). For more details of Thrive, Please Click Here.