For results and pictures of our Childrens Colouring Competition 2022.
Father Christmas Tours of Loddon Valley
Each year, Father Christmas and his elves tour the Loddon Valley Lions area, bringing joy to children young and old! The tours usually commence around the 1st December and continue through to 23rd December (excluding Sundays).
Tours normally commence:
- 6:00pm Mondays to Thursdays
- 5:30pm Fridays
- 4:15pm Saturdays
and continue through until about 8:30-8:45pm each evening, with Father Christmas being at the start of each round for about 15 minutes before the times listed above, to allow children to meet Father Christmas, have pictures taken etc.
During his tours, Father Christmas is always keen to collect any unused spectacles and hearing aids you may have, so please save these up during the year and hand them to Father Christmas during his tours. The spectacles are refurbished at a factory in Le Havre which is wholly owned by the Lions Clubs of France. Following refurbishment, the spectacles are distributed by Lions in countries of the developing world, where the cost of such items is often beyond the financial reach of many people. Thus, through this project many people are able to enjoy the gift of near normal vision, who would not otherwise have had such an opportunity. The hearing aids are refurbished in this country and, similarly distributed by Lions in countries of the developing world.
Childrens Christmas Colouring Competition

To see the results of our Christmas colouring competition for last year and, the winning pictures, Please Click Here.
Our Thanks to:
Elm Park Garden Centre, for help in providing some of the Float Decorations (Click Here for Information), Allsoprint for their help in designing our leaflet (Click Here for more Information) and Herald Graphics for printing the leaflets (Click Here for more information)