Who Are The Lions

Loddon Valley Lions currently have about 30 members drawn from all walks of life and we would normally meet every first and third Wednesday in the month at 8.00 pm. at Sherborne St. John Social Club, Elm Rd, Sherborne St John, Basingstoke RG24 9HP.
If you are service-minded and are willing to give a little of your time we would like to hear from you, please Click the Lions Logo to the left of this paragraph. Also, please feel free to join us at one of our meetings to find out more.
Our purpose is to serve both our local and wider communities through a variety of humanitarian and community projects. These can range from supporting local individuals in our area who are in need, by practical "hands on" or financial assistance, to supporting other local charitable causes in our area such as hospices, local hospitals, schools and other organisations, benefiting the public at large. To see a map of our area, Please Click Here.
We aim particularly to support young people, the elderly, the lonely and the disabled in our communities. Throughout the year, supported by our partners and friends, we run a variety of events and activities which not only enable us to raise funds to pursue our charitable aims, but also to provide entertainment for the public.
We do not charge administrative costs against our fund raising projects; we are one of the few organisations where every penny raised goes to the cause supported.
Alongside our humanitarian activities, we run a variety of social events for our members, partners and friends, in the spirit of not only helping others but having fun.
In all that we do, we are guided by a code of ethics which stress service to others, honesty, integrity and friendship. These are backed up by a set of Purposes or objectives which encourage us to take an active part in the local and wider community in which we live.
We do not involve ourselves in the discussion of partisan politics or sectarian religion.
Loddon Valley Lions Club is one of about 70 Lions Clubs in Central Southern England and the Channel Islands Click Here for More Details and one of over 900 Lions Clubs in the British Isles and Ireland.Click Here for More Details World wide, there are over 45,000 Lions Clubs in over 200 countries, all supporting the less fortunate in their local communities and, the wider world. Click for Here More Details
Lions Clubs Mission Statement:
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Lions Clubs International:
Lions Clubs International (sometimes known as The International Association of Lions Clubs) is the world's largest volunteer service club organisation with 1.4 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs and 205 countries. Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, our motto is "We Serve." Click Here For More Details.