Message in a Bottle
The FREE Lions Message in a Bottle (MIAB) scheme is a simple idea that encourages people, especially those that are vulnerable, to keep their personal and medical details in a common place where they can easily be found in the event of an emergency.
The Emergency Services will know there is a bottle containing these details in the fridge by two labels, one on the INSIDE of the front door or main entrance to your property, the other on the door of the fridge.
The Emergency Services are trained to look out for these labels when attending incidents in private properties and at many of their depots, there are large posters displayed which say, "Remember - Check the Fridge". To see more, CLICK HERE
In the event of an incident or accident within the home, the first emergency service on scene will check to see if there is a MIAB label on the inside of the front door or main entrance to the property. If so, they will locate the fridge and retrieve the bottle from it. Inside the bottle, they will find your personal details, so if you are alone and unconscious, they will know who you are.
They will also find details of medications you are taking and details of any ailments, allergies, etc., that you suffer from. That way, they can ensure that any treatment they administer does not adversely affect any medical conditions you suffer from. This information will also be of value to any hospital they may take you to, enable your next of kin to be contacted and arrangements made for any pets you may have to be looked after.
- People having life threatening conditions and/or allergies
- People who have disabilities
- People who are not in good health
- People living alone
- Older people
- Paramedics and Ambulance crews
- Police
- Firefighters
- Hospital A&E
- Social Services
To see a list of locations where Message In A Bottle is stocked in the Loddon Valley Lions area, Please Click Here
If you are a Doctor's Surgery, Health Centre, Pharmacy or an organisation with responsipilities for 'vulnerable' persons of any age, are within the area served by Loddon Valley Lions (to see a map of our area, Click Here) and would like stocks of the bottle, please contact us by using the 'Contact Us' page of this website or, by Clicking Here.