Tadley Treacle Fair 2025 Exhibitor Application Forms

Stand Availability

Bookings will CLOSE 16 May 2025.

 This table will be updated as and when space availability changes.









The 2025 Tadley Treacle Fair will be held at Saunders Fields in Tadley RG26 4FF on Sunday 1 June. 

Brochure Advertising

If you advertised in the 2024 brochure, you will be contacted by our team. If you are interested in advertising in our 2025 Treacle Fair Brochure, distributed to around 10,000 homes in Tadley and the area served by Loddon Valley Lions and you are a new advertiser, Please Click Here, to download an application form. The deadline for receipt of applications is 11th April 2025.

Exhibitor Stands:

If you are interested in exhibiting at this year's event by booking a Craft, Trade or, Charity Stand, please read the information in the relevant section below, then click or tap the link to book the relevant stand and follow the instructions carefully. Current availability is indicated in the panel, to the right of this page. Please be aware that this year, CRAFT exhibitors MUST provide their own shelter and, if required, electrical power.


Due to limitations of space, we will not be able to accept any large vehicles, such as LARGE tractors, trucks etc, this year. Subject to this limitation, if you would like to exhibit, PLEASE CLICK HERE to submit an Application Form. ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE PRE_BOOKED AND SPACE CANNOT BE ALLOCATED ON THE DAY.

To apply for space in the Vintage Vehicle Section, PLEASE CLICK HERE to submit an Application Form.

Craft Stands

The busy Craft Marqueewill be accommodated in the Craft Village and a limited number of tables may be available for hire, provided these are pre-booked. Space for Jewellery Stands in the Craft Village is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A single stand has approximately 3m frontage and 3m depth (enough for one standard gazebo), a double stand has approximately 6m of frontage and 3m depth (enough for two standard gazebos. Costs of the various available options can be revealed by clicking the down arrow in the box on the bookings page (click or tap the link at the bottom of this section). To close the box, move your curser away from the box and just click. Stands larger than double are NOT available in the Craft Village, but can be reserved as a Trade Stand outdoors. See the relevant section below. Price: for a Craft Stand: £30.00 single, £55.00 double.

We regret there will be NO CRAFT MARQUEE this year and that exhibitors must provide their own shelter. We are unable to provide electrical power to the Craft Village.


 To book a Craft Stand, Please Click Here

Trade Stands

will be outdoors and approximately 7m square (7x14 for a double). Exhibitors MUST supply their own shelter (if required), chairs, tables, power source and any other equipment required. STANDS MUST BE PRE BOOKED AND CANNOT BE ALLOCATED ON THE DAY.

Price: £75.00 Single, £150.00 Double.

To book a Trade Stand, Please Click Here

Charity Stands

Charity Stands will be outdoors and exhibitors MUST supply their own shelter (if required), chairs, tables, power source and any other equipment required. The stands are approximately 7m square, and are intended to allow local charitable and other not for profit organisations the opportunity to raise funds for their cause and/or raise public awareness of their activities. All space MUST be booked and paid for in advance. STANDS CANNOT BE ALLOCATED ON THE DAY.

In the past, we have had exhibitors book stands and without prior notification to us, not turn up on the day. This has led to other prospective exhibitors being denied space and also to gaps in the stands on the day, which has been unsightly to our visitors. For this reason, we have introduced a charge of £20.00 for Charity stands and if the exhibitor occupies their allocated space on the day, £19.00 of this will be refunded via the means by which they booked their space. The remaining £1.00 is a 'booking fee' to cover our administrative charges and will NOT be refunded under any circumstances, even if prior notice of non-attendance is given, with the sole exception of the event being cancelled by Loddon Valley Lions.

To book a Charity Stand, Please Click Here

General Terms and Conditions Specific to ALL Exhibitors

1.Exhibitors are advised to have their own public liability insurance and where appropriate product insurance.

2.By submitting an application for a stand, exhibitors:

  •  indemnify the organisers against damage or claims caused by themselves, their property, their activities, etc,
  • accept responsibility for complying with all relevant Health, Safety and Hygiene regulations and legislation and for ensuring that all goods exhibited including packaging, labelling, etc. comply with all relevant UK legislation, 
  • will comply with all reasonable requests from the organisers in respect of any action required to ensure the health, safety and welfare of themselves, the organisers and members of the public.

3. Loddon Valley Lions can give no guarantee that any request for a stand in a specific location within the Craft Marquee or elsewhere on the Treacle Fair Site can be met, but wherever possible, will use their best endeavours to meet such requests on a first come first served basis.

4. In the event of cancellation by the organisers, all monies paid to the organisers by the exhibitor shall be refunded by the organisers to the exhibitor. The organisers accept no liability for any other loss arising from the cancellation of the event. In the event of cancellation by the exhibitor, all or part of any monies paid may be refunded at the discretion of the organisers. This will be dependent in part on whether the organisers are able to re-let the space booked.

5. The event will be open to the public between the hours of 11am and 5pm. The field will be available for exhibitors to set up from 8am and exhibitors undertake to be clear of the venue and have removed all refuse from the Falcon Fields Site by 6pm. Exhibitors may set up the previous day, by prior arrangement with the organisers however, neither Loddon Valley Lions, the land owner or their agents will accept any liability for the safety and/or security of property, equipment, etc. left at the venue overnight or for any damage to same, howsoever caused.

6. Exhibitors will be expected to supply and erect their own stand in time for the fair to open to the public from 11am, by which time all accompanying vehicles MUST be removed to the Car Park. (Stallholders, must provide their own shelter (unless in the Craft Marquee), tables and chairs).

7. Loddon Valley Lions are unable to provide an electrical supply to Charity Stands or to Trade Stands however, exhibitors are welcome to provide their own supply.

8. It is a condition of the acceptance of bookings, that exhibitors undertake not to run any form of Lottery/Tombola or engage in any catering activities resulting in sales to the public.

9. The Tadley Treacle Fair site is agricultural land and used for the grazing of farm animals. Loddon Valley Lions can give no guarantee as to the state of the ground of an allocated area in terms of roughness or otherwise of the ground, firmness of the ground, freedom from animal excrement, etc. and the stand/stallholder shall be responsible for carrying out any clearance required and the provision of any equipment they may require for this purpose.

10. By submitting an application for a stand, exhibitors authorise Loddon Valley Lions Club to use the data provided in that application for the purposes of keeping them informed about the upcoming event and future Tadley Treacle Fairs until such time after the closure of upcoming event that an exhibitor may notify Loddon Valley Lions otherwise. This information will not be shared by third parties, other than name and/or organisation and/or website URL being published and linked from the Loddon Valley Lions Website. 

11. By submitting an application for a stand, exhibitors signify their acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions.